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Tag: linux

Suid Binary – .so Injection(Weak File Permissions)(Privilege Escalation)

Introduction SUID (Set User ID) binaries are executables that run with the privileges of the file owner rather than the user who executed the file. This capability can be advantageous in certain scenarios but can also pose significant security risks, particularly when weak file permissions or improper configurations are present.…

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Sudo (LD_PRELOAD) (Linux Privilege Escalation)

Privilege Escalation from an LD_PRELOAD environment variable. Before exploit let’s read something about LD_PRELOAD environment Variable. Index What is LD_PRELOAD? Detection. Exploit LD_PRELOAD. What is LD_PRELOAD? LD_PRELOAD is an optional environmental variable containing one or more paths to shared libraries, or shared objects, that the loader will load before any other…